So I'm currently working on the Goodies section of the website, but I dont know what goody goods to add! If you have suggestions for our goodies section of the website, please email me at ! But some things I already know im going to add are the following:
Thats all I can think of for what I'm going to add to the goodies page. So like I said, if you have suggestions E-Mail me. Cya!
As you know by now, we are currently in the process of moving from our old domain hosted on GitHub to Neocities. Why, you may wonder? Its because on Neocities you can search sites and stuff, which would get word about our website way more out than me sharing it locally at school. Anyways, the move isn't gonna be complete until Saturday or Sunday, so hold your darn horses!!!!!! Cya later!
You cant defy the laws of time and space. But school can! Makes every minute feel like an hour. It sucks. Even worse, you dont even have recess! I would not care much about this, as no one does and just accepts the fact that we're old enough to not have recess. But my ELA unit is talking about why we should have recess. And this have triggered me even more, because it says that we need recess, even middle schoolers do better if they have a 15 minute break! But yeah school sucks it should just unexist.
As outdated as it is, Windows XP is still great. No its not nostaliga (I never used/liked it until a year ago.). But I think its just good for old hardware. "bUt lUkE! yOuR gOiNg tO gEt a vIrUs gOiNg oNlInE!1!". Ever heard of your router? It has a built in firewall. Your routers firewall protects you from viruses. So if you are online on XP and use common sense, you will be A-OK! And you can actually still do a lot of things on it! From legally obtaining game backups and using them, to browsing the web, to legally (no sarcasm this time) playing old minecraft! And, you can also still use Windows Messenger and AOL Instant Messenger using escargot and to connect to their servers and re-activate the programs! Isn't that cool?!
Legos. We all know what Legos are, right? Well I was making a Lego set today. And then I thought about why I never play with Legos anymore. I have no clue why I stopped having an urge to do stuff with legos. I mean, they're cool and all, but I just dont feel like making Lego sets anymore. Am I the only one with this feeling? I have no clue. That's really all the blog is today. Send blog suggestions to
Ever heard of sams? You know, costco's competitor? Well im gonna tell you why they're so great. It's because of their food. Their hot-dog combo is ONLY $1.38!! Thats less than Costco's famous $1.50 hot dog meal!! Also Sams Club food is really cheap.
Costco has a few advantages though. Their pizza slice is bigger than Sams 2 pizza slices, and costs less. Also their pumpkin & apple pie is infinitally better. But I think Sams advantages outwieghs Costco's advantages Thats why I think Sams is better than Costco.
This is the first blog post! Im currently following an online tutorial about learning CSS, incase if you dont know about this fancy stuff, CSS is like the decoration to a bland boring home. Thats a good explanation. But yes I will definitally make a blog post tommorow. Cya later!